
Feature Request is a new regular 9to5Google series where authors offer their opinion on how to improve popular hardware or software products.

I think most of us who have used it are aware that Android Wear isn't exactly a complete platform yet. It feels a little beta-ish. And that's okay for now. One of the best things about Google's software efforts is that we get to go along for the ride as it publicly experiments and launches new features. It's not a case of waiting for months, or years, for it to secretly 'perfect' its product before telling us we're ready for it.

Android Wear is still young enough that there's plenty Google could change without upsetting the apple cart too much. One feature I think should be implemented soon (this year if possible) is a Force Touch-like technology. In other words: Android Wear should have a deeply engrained system to take advantage of pressure-sensitive touchscreen displays...

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